Exhibition in Barcelona Tonight! 
Thursday, July 25, 2013, 08:56 - Personal, Events

If you happen to be in Barcelona today or tomorrow stop by the joint exhibition that I'm in! I will be screening the multimedia piece I create exploring European Pentecostalism and showing some rare color prints of my work here in Europe.

More info: http://www.homesession.org/03_news/2013 ... diane.html

The Evidence of Things Not Seen

The manifestation of faith or rather, its performance as evidence of the unknowable is the starting point for Damaso Reyes & Diane Sylvester's exhibition "The Evidence of Things Not Seen." The show explores how belief is experienced by individuals and groups in The United States and Europe as well as the dialectic between its intimate nature and the more expansive community that faith builds through the external presentation of internal experiences.

Diane Sylvester's video installation "Jesus Man" documents the steps of an individual who has become over the course of twenty years both a local institution and a street evangelist. Through his daily routine "Jesus Man" is a catalyst of community for what would otherwise be a disconnected and isolated collection of individuals in New York's Manhattan Valley neighborhood. Through this visual and aural experience Diane shares the ritual nature of a religious "performance" that over time exceeds its spiritual starting point.

Damaso Reyes presents an audio and photographic work "Speaking in Tongues" which is based on two years of documentary research examining the rites of Pentecostal churches in Catalonia, England and Ukraine. The images and sound explored how deeply personal and transcendental experiences of prayer is manifested in public expressions of faith. His still images from Spain, England and Ukraine are juxtaposed with the recorded sounds of Pentecostal worship services in Catalonia to allow the audience to temporarily witness how this faith is experienced by some of its most devout adherents.

Opening: Thursday, July 25- 2013, 19:30
Exhibition: 25/07 -> 27/07, 17:00-19:30 and by appointment
C/ Creu dels Molers 15. Barcelona. Metro Poble Sec

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The Europeans: A Work In Progress Exhibition Opening Tonight! 
Thursday, June 21, 2012, 09:28 - Project News, Events

I hope you can join me tonight at the Alex Telese Gallery for the opening of my first solo show in Spain!

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The Europeans A Work in Progress Barcelona Exhibition 
Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:59 - Travel, Project News, Events
I hope you can join me at the opening of my first solo exhibition in Barcelona on June 21st at 19:00 at Galería Alex Telese located at C/ De la Palla, 11, 08002 Barcelona, Spain.

It also happens to be the summer solstice so we are sure to have a great time!
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Exhibition Opening 
Saturday, February 19, 2011, 12:36 - Travel, Project News, Events

I hope that all of you can join me (at least in spirit) on Friday at the opening of my solo show at the May Gallery in St. Louis. It is work from the Europeans and it should be a fun evening!

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New Year, New Challenges 
Monday, February 14, 2011, 12:26 - Travel, Project News, Events
Rochester, NY

I'm in Rochester for the next few days to talk about my work including The Europeans. I thought I would share a link, in case you haven't seen it already, of the article I wrote for World Policy Journal about the Austrian asylum system.

Even as you read this I am plotting my return to Europe, stay tuned!
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New Postcard from Brittany! 
Monday, April 26, 2010, 13:02 - Travel, Project News, Events
The Postcard Project is Back, Again!

There is a lovely postcard with an image from Brittany, yours for the taking. The Postcard Project is my attempt to create tangible works of art in this digital age. Each series is limited to 100 pieces and has a personal message from me to you! All you need to do is send me your mailing address and a short time later you will get a Damaso original! Sorry, one per customer.. Enjoy!

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Happy New Year! 
Thursday, December 31, 2009, 14:59 - Personal, Events
Happy New Year!

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The Europeans Inc. has Moved! 
Friday, September 4, 2009, 17:15 - Events, Commentary
The Europeans Inc. has a new home! Please visit http://www.europeandebate.org/ when you have a chance. Here anyone interested in what is happening in Europe can engage and share their thoughts. The website is very new but over time it will develop into a multi-media, interactive playground fro those interested in Europe.

For those interested in the photographic documentation of the changes Europe is experiencing you can stay right here!
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 08:43 - Shooting, Events, Commentary
Esztergom, Hungary

On Sunday I walked over the bridge to Esztergom to photograph the comemeration of the Hungarian revolution which happens every year on the Ides of March. The procession winded through the town to the local cemetery. Yet another example of the pull that history has here in Europe…

The past never goes away. © Damaso Reyes

Flags of our fathers. © Damaso Reyes

Future imperfect. © Damaso Reyes

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A Winter Festival 
Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 10:42 - Travel, Shooting, Events
Sturovo. Slovakia

Over the weekend I went to an interesting festival (Maskarázás) in Chlaba, nearby town. As it was explained to me the purpose was to banish Winter (which we all hate don’t we?) so that our friend Spring can come along and make us happy. It seemed like a good reason to dress up in strange costumes, play with fire and drink on a Saturday morning. If you don’t believe me check it out for yourselves!

I shall scare you with my… what is that? © Damaso Reyes

Now we must jump over burning bails of hay. © Damaso Reyes

They are very hot! © Damaso Reyes

But they do not frighten me! © Damaso Reyes

Spectacle. © Damaso Reyes

And now we dance! © Damaso Reyes

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Dance Nation 
Monday, February 16, 2009, 08:54 - Shooting, Events, Commentary
Štúrovo, Slovakia

On Friday I went to the annual dance that the local high school puts on for its students. What was remarkable is how unremarkable it was. Girls were all dressed up and had their hair done; the boys looks uncomfortable in their suits and tuxedos. They danced to bad music and had a good time. The scene could have been in Berlin or Brooklyn for that matter, which is very much the point.

Swinging and swaying… © Damaso Reyes

Watching and waiting. © Damaso Reyes

Music Playing… © Damaso Reyes

Hoping… © Damaso Reyes

In the moment. © Damaso Reyes

I’ve also visited the school twice to talk to students about my work. For me what’s interesting is how they view themselves and their lives, which is to say very much like their Western European counterparts. All of them have mobile phones and computers and plan on attending university. They shop online and listen to American pop music. Just twenty years ago this of course wasn’t the case. The entry of Slovakia into the European Union no doubt accelerated this trend.

The future is now. © Damaso Reyes

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Saturday Night Fever 
Monday, January 26, 2009, 09:38 - Events, Commentary, Photo of the Day
Sturovo, Slovakia

And how was your weekend? Mine was great, thanks for asking! I got to experience some local culture on Saturday night when I was invited to attend an annual dinner/dance here in Štúrovo. It wasn’t exactly the traditional balls I went to this time last year in Vienna but it was an interesting mix of local tradition and the kind of rotary club event that we have back in America. One of my running jokes at the table every time another cover of an American pop song was played: “Wow, who knew Hungarian folk music was so interesting?”

Send in the clowns… © Damaso Reyes

Now that I’ve been here for a little over a week I am starting to get a sense for some things I would like to shoot, both here in town and in Budapest. I am still figuring things out so if you’ve been this way feel free to throw some suggestions my way.

Happy shiny people everywhere… © Damaso Reyes

Part of the reason why I like to spend several weeks in a place is that I can absorb things through osmosis, rather than trying to understand a place or its people in a rush. Walking down the street, sitting in the local pub (hooray for $2 glasses of Leffe) and interacting with people gives me a chance of learning something outside of what I would as a tourist.

Can’t you just hear the music? © Damaso Reyes

Sometimes the process is slower than I might like. But as engrossing as the shooting process can be the down time I get, to read or just socialize outside my normal sphere is really energizing. When I am out in the field I can relax in a way that I can’t when I am back in New York, if for no other reason than I know am I where I need to be, doing what I need to do.

Feel the love… © Damaso Reyes

What will come over the next nine weeks? I can’t say that I know but I am pretty sure it will be interesting!

I like the nightlife… © Damaso Reyes

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Photo of the Day #93 
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 12:14 - Events, Commentary, Photo of the Day

What a day!

The view from Budapest. © Damaso Reyes

It was a day
that some said would never come. But it did. I went to Budapest to watch the inauguration at an Irish pub where some other expats and Hungarians had gathered. I came early and while I sat drinking my Guinness the place slowly filled up with people of all colors, ages and nationalities waiting for the moment.

We waited with baited breath! © Damaso Reyes

It was a long time coming. © Damaso Reyes

I watched along with the others and smiled when he took the oath. As the son of immigrants myself, the moment, and its importance, was not lost on me. This day was another step forward on the long road that is America. His speech touched on a lot of notes but he said one thing that I had been saying about the nations that make up Europe for some time.

And it was worth the wait! © Damaso Reyes

“For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself….”

Those words apply as much to Germany or France as they do to the United States. Perhaps those on this side of the ocean will see Obama and what he represents as something meaningful to themselves…

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 22:25 - Events, Commentary

'Nuff said...
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Photo of the Day #71  
Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 12:18 - Events, Commentary, Photo of the Day
Our time for change has come.

Hope for Europe as well. Vienna 2008 © Damaso Reyes

“Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States on Tuesday, sweeping away the last racial barrier in American politics with ease as the country chose him as its first black chief executive.” So said the New York Times today. Clearly this is a historic moment in American politics but one that I believe will serve as a symbol to Europe as well.

American elected the son of an immigrant from Africa. A member of a minority that makes up just 12% of the population. Today he has become the very face of our nation, the embodiment of our hopes and dreams. This is a powerful statement about what kind of nation America truly is and the kind of place it hopes to become.

In Vienna and Paris; Berlin and Rome there are millions of young men and women just like Barack Obama. Young boys and girls who want to take part in the fullness of their nation’s lives but for many reasons cannot. If the nations of Europe are to live up to their own ideals this must change. As in America it won’t be easy but Europeans must begin to see each other not simply as decedents but as aspirants to a common dream of a better future. And that future includes people of all races and heritages.

“For many months, we've been teased, even derided for talking about hope. But we always knew that hope is not blind optimism. It's not ignoring the enormity of the tasks ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path.

It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it.”
President Elect Barack Obama in January 2008.

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