The Human Bridge 
Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 21:03 - Photo of the Day

It's amazing to see these towers come to life.

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Political Sport 
Monday, June 23, 2014, 11:01 - Photo of the Day
Of course politics finds its way into this sport as well.

But it's really about teamwork.

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The Builders 
Friday, June 20, 2014, 21:12 - Photo of the Day
Higher and higher still!

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The Highest Peak 
Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 17:53 - Photo of the Day
One of the most interesting traditions I've photographed is the building of human towers here in Spain.

Every two years a huge gathering is held where different teams compete to build the most complex towers.

Over the next few posts I'll share some of what I've encountered!
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BCN Sights 
Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 22:22 - Travel

It's a place that draws me close even when I'm far away.

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Goodbye and Hello! 
Friday, June 13, 2014, 17:34 - Project News

It has been a lot of fun to spend time in Switzerland but now it is time to return to Barcelona!

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Sunday, June 1, 2014, 16:31 - Photo of the Day
Zurich, Switzerland

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Economic Fuel 
Friday, May 23, 2014, 18:28 - Photo of the Day
Zurich, Switzerland

We rarely think about where the gas in our cars come from but what about those who power our economy? What are their stories?

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Tools of the Trade 
Thursday, May 22, 2014, 10:25 - Photo of the Day
Zurich, Switzerland

I really enjoy spending time in places that I would not ordinarily visit.

It's probably the best part of being a documentary photographer.

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Reflected Glory 
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 10:23 - Photo of the Day
Zurich, Switzerland

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Factory Life 
Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 10:20 - Shooting
Zurich, Switzerland

I've had a chance to spend some time at the Stahl Woodworking factory in Zurich and over the next week I'll share some images!

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A Great Show! 
Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 10:14 - Project News
Thanks to everyone who came to the opening!

This was my first outdoor public installation work and I am happy to have shared it with you!

It gave me a chance to incorporate some of the field audio and interviews I have recorded over the years. If you didn't make it to the opening the show is up for a bit so come by!
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Exhibition in Switzerland! 
Thursday, April 10, 2014, 10:10 - Project News
I hope that you can come to my exhibition here in Uster on the 15th of April!

And They Called Themselves The Europeans
A Multimedia Installation
10 March – 22 May 2014
Reception 15 April at 19:00
Poststrasse 3-5
Uster 8610

And They Called Themselves The Europeans is the outdoor multimedia installation by AKKU ( artist in residence Damaso Reyes currently on display in Uster through the 22nd of May. The installation consists of two separate but interrelated pieces: Some Europeans is a 30 minute projection featuring over sixty black and white photographs taken throughout Europe over the course of eight years. A Day In The Life Of Europe is a 60 minute audio piece comprised of ambient sound, music and interviews collected by the artist during his travels in Europe. Spoken languages in the piece include English, German, Spanish, Catalan, Turkish, French and Ukrainian.

The installation is a glimpse of Reyes' ongoing photographic documentary project The Europeans which is exploring how Europe and its people are changing as the European Union expands and integrates. Begun in 2005 the project seeks to question and expand the definition of who is a European as well as how Europeans see themselves and each other.

Through the sounds and images in this installation visitors have an opportunity to visit places and hear the voices of people they would otherwise never encounter. From a Catalan independence demonstration in Barcelona to a worship service of Pentecostal Christians in Kiev And They Called Themselves The Europeans offers a unique visual and aural perspective on the transformations taking place across the continent. Through the images presented we see the faces of Europe from immigrants and asylum seekers to politicians and soldiers. In this work Reyes takes us on a visual exploration of Europe in distinctly human terms. By listening to the audio we hear the stories of both immigrants and their children as well as the sounds of nature and celebration. Though the works run simultaneously the sounds and images are not directly linked which allows for interesting conflations as the two pieces loop throughout the day and night.
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A Tiny Saw 
Friday, April 4, 2014, 10:08 - Photo of the Day
Uster, Switzerland

Because you never know when you'll need one!

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The Long Road Ahead 
Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 10:06 - Shooting
Uster, Switzerland

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