Home again, Home again... 
Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 18:47 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
As you know the current economic crisis has been tough on immigrants of all stripes. We learn of another group which has been hard hit in a great article from The New York Times.

Leave? But I just got here! Geneva 2007 © Damaso Reyes

“Trieu Dinh Van’s long journey two years ago from the rice paddies of northern Vietnam to a truck-welding factory in the Czech Republic was supposed to open up an economic lifeline. His parents, poor farmers, bet everything on him, putting up the family farm as collateral for a loan of about $14,000 to pay an agent for his plane ticket and working visa.

“Instead, Mr. Van, 25, is jobless, homeless and heavily indebted in a faraway land, set adrift by a global economic crisis that swallowed his $11-an-hour job and those of thousands among the wave of 20,000 Vietnamese workers who came here in 2007.

“The Vietnamese workers are part of a larger influx of poor Asian workers, including tens of thousands from China, Mongolia and elsewhere, who were recruited to come to Eastern Europe to become low-skilled foot soldiers in then booming economies. Now, they have been hit particularly hard by the sudden contraction of those economies.”

It’s not just what these migrants send home that’s important; it’s the money they spend when they are living their day to day lives. It’s also important to realize that just because they are leaving doesn’t mean there will be more jobs available for the native population since these immigrants were doing jobs that no one else wanted to do in the first place. When these economies pick up they may find themselves in a worse off position since immigrants will naturally be more reticent to travel so far and invest so much after what is happening right now…

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Pirates on Parade... 
Tuesday, June 9, 2009, 10:44 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
Far from containing the pirate problem, they are actually winning seats in the European Parliament!

Hide your women and wine… Berlin 2007 © Damaso Reyes

“Sweden's pro-file sharing Pirate Party is on its way to Brussels having secured more than 7 percent of the country's votes in the European Parliament elections, according to early exit polls.

“Scenes of wild jubilation broke out at the party's election headquarters when state broadcaster SVT announced a projection likely to give the party enough votes to claim two seats in the EU parliament.”

Personally I think it is great. I real, live political movement has begun and even more exciting is the fact that it has caused young people to become more engaged in European politics, can you ask for a better outcome. I can only hope that these new M.P.s take their responsibilities seriously and strongly advocate for their constituents…

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Goodbye, Farewell! 
Friday, June 5, 2009, 10:59 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
The global economic crisis ™ has had all kinds of interesting effects, some of which we won’t learn about for many years. Of course there are others which are much more immediate and the money that once fueled our mobility is increasingly drying up, as we learn from the I.H.T.

But I don’t want it to end! Barcelona 2005. © Damaso Reyes

“A stumbling British economy is doing what the French have not been able to do in 200 years: rout the British.

“For more than a decade, Englishmen have been one of Britain’s biggest cross-channel exports: they bought second homes in French villages, or even retired there. They came to make up as much as one-fifth of the population in some French villages.

“But now the flow of Britons is slowing and, in some cases, reversing course.

“Only instead of bidding them a relieved adieu, many of the French are longing for them — and their money — to stay.”

Europeans take their mobility for granted and it has created lots of interesting communities. But as a result of this downturn we are seeing a lot of people, both rich and poor, going home. All that easy money and cheap labor is now not so abundant. In the case of some of these small French villages the economic lifeline that kept them alive now may be gone and who knows when, or if they will return. I cringe at the thought of all that wine going undrunk…

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Election time = Party time! 
Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 10:43 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
It’s election time! At least in Europe where millions of Europeans will soon go to the polls for European Parliamentary elections. But there are big concerns over turnout, as we learn from Der Spiegel.

“What do you mean ‘throw the bums out’ ?” Vienna 2008. © Damaso Reyes

“With polls predicting a record low turnout for the elections to the European Parliament later this week, the leaders of France and Germany have issued a joint plea urging voters to cast their ballots.

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for a "strong Europe" in a statement published simultaneously in the Sunday newspapers, the Journal du Dimanche in France and Die Welt am Sonntag in Germany and they urged all Europeans to vote in the elections to be held from June 4-7.

“A strong Europe does not necessarily mean more powers for the European Union, even more European legislation or increased financial demands," Sarkozy and Merkel wrote.

"We don't want a bureaucratic Europe." Instead the two called for an EU "that gives brave answers to the questions of our time, in order to secure our prosperity."

What’s interesting is that while these two leaders are calling for a stronger Europe neither has given any indication that they are willing to give up any of their own power to achieve this ideal. Europeans are wary of pan-European institutions for good reason. So far, they have seen very little benefit and much more of the “bureaucratic Europe” that is talked about in the article. If European leaders want to develop a European consciousness then they need to be much more active about the process and not just give speeches around election time…

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A Big Birthday! 
Monday, June 1, 2009, 10:49 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
Birthdays are always a good way to start the week and why not begin with a really big one? We learn more from National Public Radio

I said Happy Birthday! London 2005. © Damaso Reyes

“Defiantly low-tech yet accurate to the second, London's Big Ben is having its 150th birthday Sunday, its Victorian chimes carrying the sound of Britain into the 21st century.

“It's a birthday the world can share in. The peals of London's favorite clock are carried globally by BBC radio, and its 315-foot tower, roughly 16 stories, is the city's most famous landmark.”

Wasn’t that fun? No depressing economic statistics. No difficult issues of discrimination or integration just the nice warm and fuzzy feelings that happen when someone, or in this case something, has a birthday! Since we’ve managed to reach June in one piece, I will be switching to posting three times a week. Until Wednesday…

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The blame game... 
Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 11:02 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
The past is always with us, especially in Germany. World War II ended more than sixty years ago but its lessons and the tragedies they stem from, are still with us. Der Spiegel has an interesting, and apparently controversial, article about the madmen of the Third Reich and their helpers.

Whistling past the graveyard. Vienna 2008. © Damaso Reyes

“But it's already clear that this last big Nazi trial in Germany will be a deeply extraordinary one because it will for the first time put the foreign perpetrators in the spotlight of world publicity. They are men who have until now received surprisingly little attention -- Ukrainian gendarmes and Latvian auxiliary police, Romanian soldiers or Hungarian railway workers. Polish farmers, Dutch land registry officials, French mayors, Norwegian ministers, Italian soldiers -- they all took part in Germany's Holocaust.

“Experts such as Dieter Pohl of the German Institute for Contemporary History estimate that more than 200,000 non-Germans -- about as many as Germans and Austrians -- "prepared, carried out and assisted in acts of murder." And often they were every bit as cold-blooded as Hitler's henchmen.”

Some has seen this as an attempt to pass the buck. I think it puts some perspective on what happened, something you can’t get enough of. If there is one thing I took away from my time in Rwanda it is that evil resides in all of our hearts. Knowing that can help us prevent that evil from coming to the surface. It is when we believe ourselves to be incapable of doing something that it becomes truly easy. When we understand that it wasn’t simply the “evil” Germans who carried out history’s greatest crime we do a better service to the victims.

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All that glistens is not gold, and vice versa... 
Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 11:40 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
I try to combine my two favorite topics, Europe and photography, in every post I make here. Occasionally the link is more explicit that implicit, something I enjoy a great deal. We learn more from the New York Times.

The lens as mirror. Vienna 2008. © Damaso Reyes

“In this small town just across the border from Germany, a small group of Dutch scientists and one irrepressible Austrian salesman have dedicated themselves to the task of reinventing one of the great inventions of the 20th century — Polaroid’s instant film.

“Digital cameras are ubiquitous, cheap and easy to use — the reasons Polaroid stopped making the film last year — so what this group in Enschede is attempting may seem hopelessly retrograde.

“But to them, that is exactly the point. They want to recast an outdated production process in an abandoned Polaroid factory for an age that has fallen for digital pictures because they think people still have room in their hearts for retro photography that eschews airbrushing or Photoshop.”

It’s interesting to see people try to make a space for things that aren’t commercially practical (see The Europeans). To me this project also illustrated a part of the European personality that Americans and the rest of the world could benefit from emulating: the belief that not everything that’s valuable can be supported solely by the marketplace. Clearly there is not a huge market for Polaroid film anymore, but that doesn’t mean that it has to disappear altogether. If enough people who are passionate about it can come together then perhaps it can find a way of surviving.

This is exactly why I believe that even as the E.U. expands and borders become less important the rich and diverse traditions of Europe won’t wither on the vine. People are justly proud of their traditions and enjoy preserving them and will continue to do so, regardless of what the market has to say…

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Sprintime for Hitler and Germany... 
Friday, May 22, 2009, 12:33 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
I thought I would end the week on a lighter note. The hit musical The Producers has finally come to Germany after traveling the world. Perhaps it is a sign of progress that Germans can now laugh at Hitler.

Forget me not. Berlin 2007 © Damaso Reyes

“So much time has passed now,” Mr. Delcker added, paying no attention. “Most of my generation thinks laughing is possible.”

“That said, when SS guards, arms raised in the Hitler salute, shouting Nazi slogans, marched onstage during the second act’s big Busby Berkeley-like “Springtime for Hitler” number, it seemed to me that the temperature in the theater did drop ever so slightly. A 26-year-old theatergoer, Diana Aurisch, said afterward, “I loved the show, but I wasn’t sure what to think of that segment, as if it wasn’t enough of a parody to laugh at or feel comfortable with.”

They say laughter is the best medicine and in this case I have to agree. Germans need to develop an increasingly complex relationship to their recent history and the fact that this show can come to Berlin shows the maturity of German society.

Monday is a holiday here in America so I will see you on Tuesday!
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A little help from our friend 
Thursday, May 21, 2009, 15:56 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
Everything old is new again! We’re fond of clichés here at The Europeans if for no other reason than they hold more than a grain of truth. We learn more about a recent revival from the New York Times.

Bringin’ it back old school style. Vienna 2008 © Damaso Reyes

“The Golem, according to Czech legend, was fashioned from clay and brought to life by a rabbi to protect Prague’s 16th-century ghetto from persecution, and is said to be called forth in times of crisis. True to form, he is once again experiencing a revival and, in this commercial age, has spawned a one-monster industry.”

What’s nice about this article is how in a way this revival celebrates what Europe has always been about: a multi-ethnic society. Cities were never homogenous and culture is always an amalgam of different influences. The fact that an old Jewish legend has been revived and accepted by so many shows us perhaps that multiculturalism is not some new phenomenon but in reality at the heart of modern culture…

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We don't want any... 
Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 11:53 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
Immigration has been pushed to the back burner a bit by the economic crisis but for the millions of people in Europe who are affected by this issue it is never far from the fore. The EU Observer has an interesting and timely piece about the progress, or in this case lack thereof, which is being made.

If I close my eyes perhaps it will all go away? Vienna 2008 © Damaso Reyes

“The European Commission on Tuesday (12 May) avoided giving a clear answer about the legality of Italy's recent move to send back African asylum seekers, a policy strongly condemned by the United Nations.

“Since last week, Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right government sent over 500 African migrants back to Libya, under a new agreement signed with Tripoli allowing Italian authorities to ship them back without first checking if they are asylum seekers.

“The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) warned that the move was against international conventions and urged Italy on Tuesday to take the migrants back, as several of them were clearly asylum seekers.”

This is yet another example of the disharmony in European regulations that the European Union was supposed to address. At the very least there should be a basic standard of justice, something that Italy seems to enjoy snubbing at every opportunity. More importantly there needs to be an open and honest dialogue about immigration, something few European leaders have the stomach for…

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Brother can you spare a job? 
Monday, May 18, 2009, 14:40 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
It wouldn’t be Monday if we didn’t get back to reality, as unappealing as it is. The reality is that Europe’s brightest economic stars of the past decade are also those who are hurting the most, as we learn from the Economist.

Clean up needed! Cologne 2007 © Damaso Reyes

“The huge signs are up in town squares, city parks and myriad spots where men in overalls dig holes, lay pavements or spruce up public facilities. They proclaim that the work is being paid for by Plan E, the stimulus package pushed through by Spain’s Socialist prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. This included €8 billion ($11 billion) for immediate spending by town halls. “

“Plan E was meant to keep Spaniards working. Yet the latest unemployment figures show that it is not enough. In April 40,000 more people joined the dole queues. That was a slower rise than in previous months, but it still leaves Spain with a 17.4% unemployment rate, the highest in the European Union and twice the EU average. The European Commission predicts that unemployment will hit 20.5% next year. It also says Spain will struggle longer than other countries to recover, getting into positive growth only in 2011, a full year after the EU as a whole. “The sick man of Europe” was how the pro-government El País newspaper greeted the news.”

Times are tough all over, but especially in Spain where much of the growth was fueled by construction and booming real estate prices (sound familiar?). With unemployment surging towards 20% this current crisis is a real test of the European social welfare model not just in Spain but in other European economies as well. Interestingly we are also seeing a reverse migration as immigrants are having an increasingly difficult time finding good paying jobs.

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Farmers Fight Back! 
Thursday, May 14, 2009, 14:08 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
We can joke that the European Union is nothing more than geography surrounded by bureaucracy but those arcane regulations which spring forth from Brussels by the thousands actually do have an impact on the lives of ordinary people, as the Washington Post explains.

Just fix it. Stuttgart 2007. © Damaso Reyes

“To the buttoned-down European Union bureaucrats in Brussels, the idea was simple: squeeze costs, conquer new markets, maximize profits. But to the vintners of Taradeau, a sun-splashed Provencal village 800 miles to the south -- and a world away, mentally -- it was an attack on their Mediterranean heritage, a crack in French civilization, a fraud against wine lovers everywhere.

“Never, they cried, can you mix a bucket of red wine into a barrel of white and call it rosé. Only the age-old process in which grape skins macerate in the juice for a finely calculated moment before fermentation, they protested, can produce the seductive color, fruity aromas and delicate structure of a true rosé. Mixing red and white, they sniffed, may make something pink to drink, but it is not rosé wine.”

If this new regulation is adopted it will surely impact those French farmers who up until now have had a monopoly on the Rosé brand. I am sure the framers of this new law never imagines the backlash which would occur but I am sure they also never held a public meeting about the new regulation or even spoke to a farmer about it. This is a clear example of just how far the European Union has to go before it is truly accepted by its people. When citizen only interact with government because of something they dislike there is a serious problem there. There needs to be a sea change in how the people in Brussels deal with those which they are charged with serving. Until then, the E.U. will always be “them” and never “us.”

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And Now for Something Completely Different... 
Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 11:58 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
It’s time for a something a little lighter and our friends at The Local.se are more than willing to help out!

You can call me whatever you want… London 2005

“A Swedish couple from Åre in northern Sweden have taken their fight to name their son Q to the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrätten).

“The court will rule if current legislation permits the use of a single letter as a first name.

“The parents insist that the boy was not named after the popular figure from the James Bond films and that the decision was instead a last minute one when "Q" was born.”

For me this is one of the silliest regulations that many Europeans have to put up with. Perhaps it is my American individuality rearing its ugly head but I believe parents should have the right to name their child whatever they want whether it’s Q or Moon Unit. Why should the State care what I name my child and who other than the parents should have a say in what a child is named? This is one law I think that Europeans can live without…

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Would you mind passing the Grey Pupon? 
Monday, May 11, 2009, 12:48 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
If you’ve ever spent some time in France you understand that they know how to live. Two hour lunches, great food and wine, even their trains are chic. Well it seems that French philosophy on life is even helping them weather the current global economic crisis, as we learn from The Economist.

What, me worry? Paris 2007 © Damaso Reyes

“Over 60 metres (nearly 200 feet) above the ground in the Picardy town of Beauvais, fiscal stimulus à la française is under way. With tiny paintbrushes and sandblasters, artisans perched on scaffolding are painstakingly scraping away at the damaged façade of the towering 14th-century gothic cathedral. The €2m ($2.7m) restoration is one of 1,000 projects put in place by the French government as part of its €26 billion stimulus plan. Along with more conventional schemes, such as upgrades to motorways, ports and the TGV high-speed train network, France’s boost includes the scrubbing up of a host of its historic cathedrals and churches.

“Even in a crisis, the French do things differently. Despite calls from the Americans to do more to lift consumer demand, their stimulus plan relies heavily on front-loading investment in infrastructure, cathedrals included, in line with their dirigiste tradition. A strong beneficent state, with heavy taxation, regulation and protection, is common to many continental European countries. But nowhere is it more pronounced or entrenched than in France, where it reaches back to the construction of roads, canals and industrial mammoths under Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Louis XIV’s minister of finance and industry.”

I have to say that from my perch in New York, with its shuttered shops, the French model is looking increasingly attractive. There is something to the safety net many western Europeans have, even when you’re out of work one has the feeling that the state is looking out for you. Here, that feeling just doesn’t exist. Of course there is also more of a focus on living and not working that makes life more pleasant, if not productive in la belle France. Time will tell how soft of a landing France will have compared to its neighbors and for how long it can continue to subsidize this nice feeling…

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Can I Have More Please? 
Friday, May 8, 2009, 13:37 - Commentary, Photo of the Day
“The rich get richer.” Just because it’s a cliché does mean it isn’t true, as we learn in an article from the always informative E.U. Observer.

Running roughshod. Stuttgart 2007. © Damaso Reyes

“Royal landowners and multinational companies were among the biggest beneficiaries of the EU's €55 billion farm aid budget in 2008, a new EU transparency law has shown.

“In France, which alone scooped €10.4 billion of the pot, the Doux Group, which sells chicken products to over 130 countries worldwide, was the biggest single recipient on €62 million.

“Major food companies Nestle and Tate & Lyle were the largest UK winners on around €1 million each.

“British aristocrats, who command significant personal fortunes, also pocketed sizeable amounts of EU cash. The Queen received around €530,000. The Duke of Westminster got €540,000. Prince Charles took €180,000.”

Just like in America, agricultural subsidies are in great need of reform. That doesn’t mean it’s going to happen anytime soon. The artificially low prices for many European commodities, wine is just one example, is a direct result of subsidies originally meant to help small producers but have been co-opted by the rich and multinational corporations. Ultimately these subsidies now end up hurting the proverbial “family farm” since they support their arch rivals: the industrial farm. There must be a better way of persevering a way of life than throwing good money after bad…

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