Looking Back, Looking Forward 
Friday, January 2, 2015, 10:20 - Personal
Last year was a busy one and not all of that involved photography.

I donated a kidney and had my first public art installation among other things.

I think this past year has put many things in perspective for me, not least of which is how much photography is really about other things. It's about reading and research but it's also about living and being. I'm a lot less concerned about the number of rolls of film I shoot than I ever have been.
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Monday, September 8, 2014, 16:01 - Personal

Just to let you know everything went very well! Both Jimmie and I are recovering and the surgery was a complete success. I won't be posting all that much over the next few weeks but thanks for all of your thoughts.

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Exhibition in Barcelona Tonight! 
Thursday, July 25, 2013, 08:56 - Personal, Events

If you happen to be in Barcelona today or tomorrow stop by the joint exhibition that I'm in! I will be screening the multimedia piece I create exploring European Pentecostalism and showing some rare color prints of my work here in Europe.

More info: http://www.homesession.org/03_news/2013 ... diane.html

The Evidence of Things Not Seen

The manifestation of faith or rather, its performance as evidence of the unknowable is the starting point for Damaso Reyes & Diane Sylvester's exhibition "The Evidence of Things Not Seen." The show explores how belief is experienced by individuals and groups in The United States and Europe as well as the dialectic between its intimate nature and the more expansive community that faith builds through the external presentation of internal experiences.

Diane Sylvester's video installation "Jesus Man" documents the steps of an individual who has become over the course of twenty years both a local institution and a street evangelist. Through his daily routine "Jesus Man" is a catalyst of community for what would otherwise be a disconnected and isolated collection of individuals in New York's Manhattan Valley neighborhood. Through this visual and aural experience Diane shares the ritual nature of a religious "performance" that over time exceeds its spiritual starting point.

Damaso Reyes presents an audio and photographic work "Speaking in Tongues" which is based on two years of documentary research examining the rites of Pentecostal churches in Catalonia, England and Ukraine. The images and sound explored how deeply personal and transcendental experiences of prayer is manifested in public expressions of faith. His still images from Spain, England and Ukraine are juxtaposed with the recorded sounds of Pentecostal worship services in Catalonia to allow the audience to temporarily witness how this faith is experienced by some of its most devout adherents.

Opening: Thursday, July 25- 2013, 19:30
Exhibition: 25/07 -> 27/07, 17:00-19:30 and by appointment
C/ Creu dels Molers 15. Barcelona. Metro Poble Sec

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Damaso is a 2013 French American Foundation Fellow! 
Thursday, June 13, 2013, 09:50 - Travel, Personal, Project News
I’m excited to announce my selection as an Immigration Reporting Fellow by the French American Foundation. For my project I’ll be traveling to Sweden on Sunday for a month to look at the lives of second generation immigrants of Turkish decent and in September I will be based in Istanbul for two months interviewing and photographing those who have migrated to Turkey. It should be an exciting few months so expect several updates! If you have any tips for Stockholm or Istanbul please let me know.

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Auf Wiedersehen 
Sunday, November 7, 2010, 22:26 - Travel, Personal, Project News, Commentary

Well I'm off for NYC once again. While my time here is done you will be seeing more images from Vienna over the coming weeks. In the meantime don't forget to visit my other blog at damaso.com/blog which I update every weekday. Until I see you again, take care!
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New Limited Edition Postcard 
Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 07:35 - Personal, Project News
I have several photographs from The Europeans in a group show that is up right now in Ohio and in celebration I’ve created a limited edition postcard!

Supplies are limited (duh) so send me a message with your mailing address and you too can be part of the magic, not to mention own a Damaso Reyes original!

“This exhibition focuses on the visual appearance of, the manifestations of, or the individual explorations of God. Works should address what is the visage of God? How do we search for God? What do we find? And what do these findings reveal? This exhibition is open to traditional and non-traditional systems of belief and also seek those beliefs that challenge the notion of God and religion.”

February 15 – March 18

The Kuhn Fine Arts Gallery is located off the main lobby at the east entrance of Ohio State Morrill Hall.
1465 Mount Vernon Avenue, Marion, Ohio 43302

The gallery is free and open to the public Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
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Happy New Year! 
Thursday, December 31, 2009, 14:59 - Personal, Events
Happy New Year!

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Featured on leciashots.com 
Monday, December 14, 2009, 13:21 - Personal, Project News
Recently one of my images from The Europeans was featured on the leicashots.com website. Please check it out when you have a moment!

East bound train. Bratislava, Slovakia 2009.

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And the Walls Came Tumbling Down... 
Monday, November 9, 2009, 06:17 - Personal, Commentary
In order to know where we are going it is important to think about where we have been. Twenty years ago the wall between east and west Germany began to fall and a new chapter began. Now all we have are the remnants and our memories, not to mention our history, which follows us around like a shadow. Sometimes it’s good to stop and look at the shadow…

The end of the wall. Berlin 2006. © Damaso Reyes

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A Fortnight later... 
Thursday, October 15, 2009, 13:09 - Travel, Shooting, Personal

It’s been an interesting two weeks here in Barcelona. The city is as lovely as I remember it from four years ago. Here are a few images…

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 11:22 - Personal, Commentary, Photo of the Day
The year is half over. The solstice was also a few days ago and now I have spent more time outside of Europe this year than inside it. The days are growing ever so slightly shorter and a return to Europe, like international communism during the Soviet era, is on the horizon but drawing no closer.

Freedom…. Berlin 2006 © Damaso Reyes

Even though it is at the heart of photography I have a distaste for waiting, especially when I don’t know how long I will be waiting. When will that next grant or fellowship appear? I have become comfortable with uncertainty and I suppose having everything mapped out would take a lot of the fun out of this project. We move forward but very slowly, which, if nothing else, gives us time to collect our thoughts. Certainly being back in New York has given me time to reflect on what I have done and how much more there is left to do.

I’d like to get started…

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Four Years On... 
Monday, April 20, 2009, 10:45 - Personal, Commentary
Last week I let the 4th anniversary of The Europeans pass without so much as a note. Personally I am not much of a birthday or anniversary type of person but it is important to recognize the passage of time. It is also a useful opportunity to think about where we’ve been and where we are going.

One photograph at a time. Vienna 2008 © Damaso Reyes

As I’ve said any number of times, when I first boarded that plane at JFK international Airport in New York I had no idea of what kind of images I would be taking. All I knew was that something was happening in Europe and I wanted to try to capture it. Back then it was a tall order and it still very much is. This project has challenged the way I see the world as well as the way in which I document it.

Waiting. Berlin 2006 © Damaso Reyes

The Europeans began without a clear plan and in many ways it is still quite open, something which I feel is an asset. Many of the images I have taken have been happy accidents, the kind that could never be planned. The more I work on the project the more I feel that the changes which are happening in Europe are so subtle that they deserve to be found not by research or planning but by organically experiencing life.

The beauty of Art. Paris 2007 © Damaso Reyes

Sometimes I feel that people expect too much form these images. I have always said that this project is not an academic exploration of history. Personally I hope these images raise far more questions than they answer since the real change that is happening in Europe is not one of economics or politics but a change in mindset and self perception. As an artist and documentarian I try to hold up the mirror as well as draw back the curtain in front of the window. My work is to simply begin a conversation or at least to make it more interesting.

Going home. Kosovo 2005 © Damaso Reyes

And where will the future take us? Of course I don’t have those kinds of answers but I will say that I hope to continue the work that I have begun and delve even more deeply in the waters in which I swim. I can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel but that light is still so very far away…

Utopia Planitia. Amsterdam 2005 © Damaso Reyes

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A Winter Walk 
Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 08:28 - Travel, Shooting, Personal
Esztergom, Hungary

Winter has been visiting us quite a bit here in Eastern Europe. Now those who know me well understand I am not really in favor of this whole business of cold and snow but sadly until I get that villa in southern Spain I will no doubt be seeing a lot more snow. In the best spirit of adventure I recently crossed the Danube and took a little walk around. Come along for the ride!

One moment. © Damaso Reyes

Footsteps. © Damaso Reyes

The dividing line. © Damaso Reyes

The shore. © Damaso Reyes

Trapped. © Damaso Reyes

A new path. © Damaso Reyes

Reflections. © Damaso Reyes

Sunset. © Damaso Reyes

Wasn’t that a lovely walk?

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February 2009 Isuue of Outdoor Photographer 
Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 12:38 - Personal, Project News
If you happen to stop by your local newsstand you can see my photograph advertising Kodak’s new Ektar 100 film on the back cover of Outdoor Photographer!

Special thanks to Audrey for making it possible!

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Damaso: 30 Death: 0 
Thursday, December 11, 2008, 13:08 - Personal, Commentary
Happy Birthday to ME!

Mmmmm…cake…. © Damaso Reyes

Today is my 30th birthday!
I know it is hard for some of you to believe, but it’s true! If you feel like giving me a present, feel free to consult my Amazon.com wish list. Even better, you can help my project by making a tax deductible donation.

It feels odd to no longer be the youngest person in the room. Of course this hasn’t been the case for a long time but psychologically turning 30 is a big deal for someone who has always thought of themselves as being very young. Of course I still am very young but I think people start to treat you differently one you start your third decade.

Fortunately all of my friends have told me that they enjoy their 30’s much more than their 20’s so I have something to look forward to! For me the next decade is really about finishing this project and reaching a level of success that allows me to do the work that is most important to me. I feel like I spent the last ten years trying to prove myself; the next ten will be about satisfying myself…

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