HCB Quote of the Week #18 
Saturday, January 5, 2008, 19:00 - Commentary

In case you were wondering it is still ridiculously cold here in Vienna but I managed to wake up early to go to the flea market, which as it turned out was walking distance from the MuseumsQuartier. There actually weren’t that many vendors, not surprising given the weather but there was a very nice market where I brought some nice fresh pasta as well as tea. Sorry, no photos but you can use your imagination. Afterwards I met up with a local photographer Daniel K. Gebhart who actually has a studio here at the MQ. Well I plan on spending the rest of the day inside my warm studio but here is you HCB Quote of the Week!

Italian Hands in Switzerland. © Damaso Reyes

The photograph itself doesn't interest me. I want only to capture a minute part of reality. - Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Obama Takes Iowa While I Freeze in Vienna 
Friday, January 4, 2008, 09:44 - Commentary

It is COLD here in Wien but it was very hot yesterday in Iowa! I still haven’t ventured very far, just out shopping and wandering a bit but this weekend I will head out to the flea market and snap some pictures and hopefully have more impressions to give you but at first blush I can say that the Austrians are much more laid back and relaxed than the Germans, which is a nice change of pace, I guess it must be because they are Southerners!

The future is now.

So as you all know by now Senator Barack Obama won the Iowa caucuses last night by a wide margin. Of course there is still a long way to go but it was a victory that a lot of people did not count on. People questioned his experience, they wondered if he was ready. They felt that it would be better to go with the safe choice but it seems that more people were inspired by his message of hope and change than Hillary Clinton’s message of experience and stability. Many of the Germans I talked to in the past few months felt that America would never vote for a black man. But Iowa, a state which is mostly rural and 95% white voted for Obama. As I said to a German many years ago “America is not a place, it is an idea.”

I guess that is why I connect with Obama. My whole life people in power said I was too young, that I wasn’t ready, that there were more qualified people out there and then were amazed when I accomplished what I set out to do. And their criticisms where often right: I am too young, there are more qualified people out there but what I have, and what I think Obama has, is vision and passion. And those too qualities are sorely lacking in the world we live in right now. I have a vision of the world which can be better than it is. I believe that we have more in common than we do things that divide us. Finally I hear someone in public service saying the same thing.

And the man can speak.

If you don’t believe me then listen to his victory speech from last night and tell me if it doesn’t move you. Here is one passage that I particularly enjoyed:

“For many months, we've been teased, even derided for talking about hope. But we always knew that hope is not blind optimism. It's not ignoring the enormity of the tasks ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path.

It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it and to work for it and to fight for it.”

The future is here and his name is Obama.

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First Day in Vienna! 
Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 01:38 - Travel

Hallo vom Wien and happy new year!

Memphis celebrates in Brooklyn. © Damaso Reyes

I left JFK international airport on the last evening of the year with some reservations. As some of you know traveling does stress me out, especially when I am going to a new city and country. All the unknowns and things you can’t predict tend to weigh heavily on my mind; not to mention trying to get everything done before I head out. I also had a great month in New York. I got to see friends that I had been separated from for a year and spend time in my hometown. I was getting really comfortable but time waits for no man and so I got on my SwissAir flight and took off into the unknown.

The flight itself was fine though I didn’t manage to get any sleep. I landed in Geneva where I had a short layover and then took a tiny turboprop that was so small my head touching the cabin ceiling to Vienna. Snow streaked the runway as we touched down and I already knew from checking the weather that it was going to be much colder than in NYC but I was prepared. The taxi ride into town gave me a chance to glimpse the industrial landscape on the outskirts of town which looked quite peaceful covered by snow.

It took a while to find the right entrance but I finally made it to the MuseumsQuartier where my apartment is. The guard on duty looked a little flummoxed but after consulting several sheets of papers and signing various documents I got my keys and was shown into my apartment. Again I didn’t know what to expect but it is well lit and spacious, I will be very comfortable for the next two months!

Once I unpacked a bit I wandered around the complex, checking out the territory. One nice thing about this fellowship is that I will be in the heart of the city, where in Solitude I was surrounded by natured and had to commute to the city. I am looking forward to doing as much street photography as I can, though it will be pretty cold.

Tomorrow I will go shopping and run some errands so I hope to give you a little better sense of the city. Until then, bis bald!

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Happy Endings... HCB Quote of the Week #17 
Saturday, December 29, 2007, 22:14 - Commentary

The end is here!

The end of the year, the end of my time in New York, everything seems to be coming to a close right about now. It has been an incredibly productive year and I wonder what 2008 will be like. Will I finally settle down and find a place to live in Europe? How many countries will I visit? Will I find more funding? These are just some of the questions on my mind as I begin to pack up my life once again and head out to a foreign country. The next time I post I will be in Vienna but until then, here is you HCB Quote of the Week!

Beauty and Truth. Paris 2007. © Damaso Reyes

Reality offers us such wealth that we must cut some of it out on the spot, simplify. The question is, do we always cut out what we should? While we're working, we must be conscious of what we're doing. Sometimes we have the feeling that we've taken a great photo, and yet we continue to unfold. We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole. - Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Merry Christmas 
Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 00:31 - Commentary

I hope that all of you are warm and surrounded by people you love. Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Damaso and Mariela making cookies! © Damaso Reyes
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Photography Jobs & Opportunities 5 
Tuesday, December 25, 2007, 01:24 - Commentary

It is Christmas eve so here are some presents in the form of photography jobs and opportunities….

More, Please! © Damaso Reyes


Knight International Journalism-Health

Knight International seeks an experienced journalist with a background in health journalism to lead a high-impact, results-driven Fellowship in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Knight International Journalism Fellowships program sends international media professionals to key countries where there are opportunities for meaningful and measurable change. Working with partner organizations on high-impact projects, they build skills and enhance the standards of independent news organizations.Qualifications and Skills:- Background in health reporting required - Strong leadership qualities - Training experience is a plus - Experience in Africa a plus - Minimum of 10 years journalism experience - Fellowship open to any nationality - Fellowship duration is a minimum of one year Application: To apply, please send a letter of interest and your resume to knight@icfj.org. For more information, please visit our website at http://knight.icfj.org/GetInvolved/Fell ... fault.aspx


Grants for Artists in Central and Western New York State, Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts

The Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts annually awards grants of $5,000 each to writers and visual artists who live in the central and western counties of New York state. Grant recipients have used these grants in a variety of ways, including buying materials, preparing works for exhibit, and taking time to create new work. Grant categories change annually. For 2007, the categories are: painting; fiction; biography, autobiography, or memoir; and printmaking. All grant applicants must be at least twenty-one years of age and must reside in one of the following New York counties: Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus, Cayuga, Chautauqua, Chenango, Chemung, Cortland, Erie, Genesee, Jefferson, Lewis, Livingston, Madison, Monroe, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, Orleans, Oswego, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates.



Astraea Visual Arts Fund

http://www.astraeafoundation.org/PHP/Gr ... rants.php4

The Astraea Visual Arts Fund aims to recognize the work of contemporary lesbian artists by providing 10 support to those who show artistic merit and whose art and perspective reflect a commitment to the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice’s mission and efforts to promote lesbian visibility and social justice. This year, Astraea will award three $2,500 cash awards to lesbian visual artists.


Residencies, Atlantic Center for the Arts
, New Smyrna Beach, FL

http://www.atlanticcenterforthearts.org ... _sched.htm

The residency program brings together three Master Artists from different artistic disciplines: visual arts (painting, sculpture, photography, film/video), architecture, music (composition and performance), literature, modern dance, performance art, and theater for interdisciplinary dialogue. All Associate Artist applications are forwarded to the appropriate Master Artist. Master Artists personally select between 8 and 10 applicants to participate in the residency. The program includes master classes, individual critiques, opportunities for collaboration, and private studio time. The essence of the program is to provide a collegial environment for artists where they can engage in meaningful interaction and stimulating discussions, while pursuing individual or group projects. It is an ideal setting for the exchange of ideas, the inspiration for new work, and the cross-fertilization of disciplines. Multiple deadlines check website for schedule.

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HCB Quote of the Week #16 
Saturday, December 22, 2007, 14:14 - Commentary

Once again time seems to be moving far faster than I am. I can only say that I am glad that I have a month here in New York because anything less just seems like not enough. In some ways I suppose it is like a dream: every time I return to New York it is like slipping on a pair of old gloves. This city is perhaps the only place in the world where I feel totally comfortable; completely at ease. And now that feeling is slowly slipping through my fingers as I prepare to head to Vienna.

The German word for foreigner is Auslander. But it can also mean, and its root really is, outsider. It is a perfect word because that is very much how one feels there. The luxury of growing up in New York, the most diverse of all cities does not prepare you for the looks, stares and hostility. There is no fading into the background, slipping into anonymity for me; I am always on display. I suppose that is why the camera is so comforting; it allows me to return the stare. I suppose that I why I also have a number of images in which the subject is looking directly at the camera: I want the viewer to experience for a moment what I go through every day…

They Never Stop Looking. Berlin August 2007 © Damaso Reyes

"What is photojournalism? Occasionally, a very unique photo, in which form is precise and rich enough and content has enough resonance, is sufficient in itself - but that's rarely the case. The elements of a subject that speak to us are often scattered and can't be captured in one photo; we don't have the right to force them together, and to stage them would be cheating... which brings us to the need for photojournalism." - Henri Cartier-Bresson. American Photo", September/October 1997, page: 76

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Internatioal Talk Like James Brown Day 
Thursday, December 20, 2007, 15:18 - Commentary

Stay on the scene, (get on up), like a sex machine, (get on up) © Damaso Reyes

One of the nice things about holiday time are all the holiday parties you get invited to. It’s a chance to catch up with people that I otherwise only interact with over email or on the telephone. I went to the Women’s eNews party last night and had a great time catching up with the editors there and meeting some new people. I always have a hard time striking up a conversation in a room full of strangers but the champagne definitely helped!

I spent the afternoon shooting with my new Leica around town. Kodak gave me a few rolls of their new Tmax 400 film so I decided to take it for a spin in Manhattan. Until yesterday it had been too cold to shoot for a while but it wasn’t too windy yesterday so I walked up Broadway, photographed in Union Square and then took the train up to Times Square just as the light was beginning to fade. I will share the results with you next week.

In other news, my friend J. Jioni Palmer declared yesterday International Talk Like James Brown Day. He wrote: “As we approach the one year anniversary of the passing of the Godfather of Soul, I can think of no finer tribute to his memory. Whatever you say, say it loud!”

So, as the Godfather would say, Get on up!

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Photography Jobs and Opportunies #4 
Monday, December 17, 2007, 19:46 - Events, Commentary

So I brought another Leica! I know, two in less than six months is a little troubling but I do need two cameras, and I was made an offer I just couldn’t refuse so I begged, borrowed and nearly stole to scrape together the cash to get another M6TTL this one with a .58 viewfinder which is ideal for using with the wide angle lenses I love so much.

My new best friend! © Damaso Reyes

The only trouble is now I have two cameras and one lens, not the ideal situation by far. See if you have two lenses and one camera you can swap the lenses, not ideal but manageable. If you are in my position basically you have one camera and one paperweight, until you find another lens. I already have my eye on one but as you can imagine I am a bit short of funds. So if any of you are feeling generous, or need a tax deduction before the end of the year, please let me know!

Now where is that other lens? © Damaso Reyes

With some good karma in mind, here are your photo jobs and opps of the week!

So lonely! © Damaso Reyes


Residency, Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning (JCAL)
, Jamaica, Queens, NY
For more information and guidelines call (718) 658-7400 ext.132

JCAL’s Workspace Program is tailored to support an artist in his/her creation and presentation of new works. Through the program, JCAL provides an emerging artist with a private, non-living studio space and access to JCAL’s office and studio facilities (computer, ceramics and painting) for a period of 12 months. The artist is awarded a stipend of up to $7,000 and offered to exhibit his/her work in JCAL’s gallery at the conclusion of residency. Professional artists living within commutable distance from JCAL (including New York City’s five boroughs, Nassau and Suffolk counties) are eligible. College or graduate students are not eligible. All media are considered for acceptance, including sculpture, painting, printmaking, ceramic, digital art, mixed media, installation art, video and film.


Fellowship for NY State Artists
, Constance Salons Foundation for the Arts, Ithaca, NY

Artists and writers who are New York State residents are invited to apply for month-long summer residencies at the 200-acre Salons Arts Colony in Ithaca, New York. The summer categories are poetry; fiction or creative nonfiction; painting, sculpture, or other visual arts; and photography. Five artists are in each session: one photographer, one poet, one prose writer, and two painters, sculptors, or other visual artists.


Studio Space Program
, The Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation, New York, NY

Provides artists with studio space in New York City for a period of 1 year.


Seattle City Hall Seeks Exhibition Proposals

The city of Seattle seeks artist and community exhibition proposals for display in City Hall galleries in 2008. The 2008 exhibition cycle will begin in February.


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HCB Quote of the Week #15 
Saturday, December 15, 2007, 17:08 - Commentary

I like to joke that every winter I forget how hot it is in summer and that in summer I can’t conceive of winter’s chill. My stay in New York has been great but I have to admit that the weather has been a bit chilly. Not that it was warm before I left Germany, I guess the difference is that I am going outside a lot more. My time at home is halfway done and it is going by much too quickly. I am trying to enjoy it as much as I can by seeing my friends and wandering about. In the meantime, enjoy your HCB Quote of the Week!

Gone but not forgotten. Paris, October 2007 © Damaso Reyes

Memory is very important, the memory of each photo taken, flowing at the same speed as the event. During the work, you have to be sure that you haven't left any holes, that you've captured everything, because afterwards it will be too late. -Henri Cartier-Bresson, American Photo, September/October 1997, page: 76

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Birthday Reflections... 
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 19:49 - Events, Commentary

Well yesterday was my birthday and I took the opportunity to take a little break from the hustle and bustle and just have fun. I had sushi for lunch and then went ice skating, a tradition I started last year. Then my friends Jimmie, Conan and Anna took my out for dinner at Peter Luger’s widely considered one of, if not the best steakhouse in New York. We ate creamed spinach, German fried potatoes and of course, a huge steak. I think I am still digesting it even now.

To be young and innocent. © Damaso Reyes

As some of you might know every time it’s someone else’s birthday I ask them “what do you know now that you didn’t know a year ago?” I feel like it is an interesting question to ask since one’s birthday is an appropriate time to look back at the year and look forward to the next. So, what have I learned?

Well it really is true that just because you can doesn’t always mean you should! I also learned that I need to make new friends, which I did. While what other people think is not the most important thing it still is important. Uncertainty isn’t nearly as scary as it seems from the outset. I really do enjoy taking the train and I really do hate flying. And I can now speak some German.

Not bad for a year, hopefully 2008 will be even more educational…

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Photography Jobs and Opportunities #3 
Monday, December 10, 2007, 17:13 - Commentary

Only one more day until my birthday! There’s still time to order me a present ; ) Here are your Jobs and Opps of the week!

The Red Dress. NYC July 2007. © Damaso Reyes


For the first time, the FIGT conference is presenting work in all media from expat artists around the world. The presentation will be done on a power point programme and will be running throughout the conference time. Artists may enter no more than 2 pieces of recent artwork reflecting their lives as expatriates. No entry fee.
Natalie Tollenaere FIGT conference
http://www.figt.org natol@mweb.co.za


The Commercial Appeal of Memphis, TN, is seeking a photojournalist.

Duties will include: Daily newspaper Online site In depth projects
The ability to generate and articulate ideas is a must. Spanish language or video skills would be a plus. Our editors value teamwork, community journalism and documentary photography. Show us a portfolio that highlights your personal vision.
Send a resume, cover letter and portfolio to:
Tajuana D. Hughlett Employment Coordinator The Commercial Appeal 495 Union Avenue Memphis, TN 38103 Deadline is January 3, 2008. No phone calls, please.
The Commercial Appeal is an equal opportunity employer.



Both artists and independent curators are encouraged to submit proposals. Exhibitions are scheduled on a six to eight week rotation. Group and solo exhibitions are possible. All media will be considered, including installation and multimedia work. Work may be paired with that of one or more artists in a small group exhibition. The proposing artist and/or curator in consultation with the Visual Art Director of the LAL will determine the final number of objects. Any artist 18 years or older. No entry fee.


Mike Deetsch
Lexington Art League
209 Castlewood Drive
Lexington KY 40505



The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities in collaboration with the District of Columbia, Department of Driver and Motor Vehicles is seeking an artist or artist team to design a specialty arts vanity license plate for the District of Columbia. The theme for the license plate is "Artistic License." The design should inspire residents and visitors to support the arts and help bring attention to the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities. This call is open to artists who live in District of Columbia. Design Fee: $5,000. No entry fee.


DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities


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HCB Quote of the Week #14 
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 17:05 - Commentary

It’s has been pretty cold here but I am still enjoying my time here in NYC. Here is your quote of the week!

The Musuem of Modern Art. NYC July 2007 © Damaso Reyes

Pictures, regardless of how they are created and recreated, are intended to be looked at. This brings to the forefront not the technology of imaging, which of course is important, but rather what we might call the eyenology (seeing).
-Henri Cartier-Bresson

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Going to Party Like it's my Birthday! 
Friday, December 7, 2007, 11:29 - Events

Are you getting excited yet? My birthday is only a few days away! I know, it’s hard to imagine that I will soon be 29 but we must face the future with open arms, not fear!

Childhood Dreams. © Damaso Reyes

So if you happen to be in NYC next Tuesday let me know and we can have drinks. Otherwise feel free to visit my Amazon.com Wish List for gift ideas. You can be sure I will be thinking about you on my special day!

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Back in Brooklyn 
Wednesday, December 5, 2007, 14:18 - Travel, Commentary

It’s like slipping on a pair of old gloves, being back in New York. As I mentioned to a friend it’s nice to walk around a city where you don’t need a map to find your way. Seeing friends and family has been a lot of fun and I feel that I am right back into my comfort zone after spending the better part of a year as an “auslander.”

In living color. © Damaso Reyes

The night before I left I was describing New York to someone who has never been there.

Fast paced
Occasionally smelly
Self assured

After listing the various attributes of my home town I suddenly realized that many of these same adjectives apply to me. While it shouldn’t have been it was a little surprising but I really am a child of this city. My rough edges annoy many people; my directness is sometimes seen as being rude; my self assuredness is mistaken for arrogance. Much like the city most people have very strong feeling about me, usually love or hate, there is very little in between.

And like New York I am okay with all of this. This is me, this is who I am. Yeah, I have my faults but I don’t want my life to center around pleasing other people. I think it is important for us to be who we are, after all wasn’t it Shakespeare who wrote:

“To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

I remember first reading Hamlet in high school and how much my English teacher emphasized this line. The reason why we are still reading this more than four hundred years later is because the truth in it is so elemental. It’s not just that this is who I am; this is who I have to be. Like it or not I hope that you respect it.

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